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To help create a specification for your project we need to know the following:
Your Company Name
Your Email
Is it a New Build or Conversion development.
New BuildConversion
What will the structures be?
Floor structure,External wall structure
If the floor structure is timber, what is the depth of the joists?
If the floor structure is masonry, what is the structure, what is the thickness and what is the density?
Is there any Issues with building floors up or dropping ceilings? Ceiling height or floor restrictions?
If it is a conversion project, what period was the original building built (rough guide)?
What are the proposed floor finishes going to be and installed within the residential units?
Any structural steel or structural timber beams that will penetrate through the acoustic ceiling or separating wall constructions?
Is there any lighting and any services penetrations of note that we should know about that will affect the acoustic performance of floor or wall constructions?
Any plans or photographs of the layout and building?
Any other notes