How noisy are Air Source Pumps?
What are heat pumps
Phasing out traditional gas boilers
Problems with air source heat pumps
What are acoustic barriers?
Examples of solutions to noisy heat pumps
Further reading
The rapid growth in the number of households heating their homes using renewable technologies is great news for cutting the UK’s CO2 emissions and resource use. But to ensure technologies such as air source heat pumps (ASHPs) and ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) can fulfil their potential on a widespread scale, we have to think carefully about the potential for a wave of neighbour noise complaints.
What are heat pumps and why are they so popular?
As the UK moves away from natural gas when heating homes, the Central Government has put a number of incentives in place to move to a greener solution. Part of this incentive is to provide funding towards AIR Source Heat Pumps, with a £5k grant available to help with the overall cost.
An air source heat pump is an energy-efficient alternative to traditional heating sources, using the warmth from the outside air and compressing it into a liquid form. This process creates higher temperatures which are then used for radiators, hot-water systems or underfloor heats within homes – without the need for natural gas.
However, like most new technology, there has been some controversy in both the performance, cost and now noise.
Is the UK phasing out the installation of Gas Boilers?
New build homes are already installing ASHP’s as an alternative to gas boilers, this is part of the guidance and huge cost reductions from Westminster.
Although traditional boilers are not banned, house-builders installing them will not be able to reach their carbon reduction targets unless they revert to renewable tech such as Solar PV, Biomass and Heat Pumps.
However, there are possibilities that gas-fired boilers can be converted to hydrogen on the completion of H2 Hydrogen trials. If successful, Hydrogen will be blended into the gas grid in preparation for the transition to wholesale hydrogen use. Most modern boilers have the capacity to use this blend and won’t need converting.
What are the problems with Air Source Heat Pumps?
The main takeaway is that the technology works, but like most things, it has its factors and boundaries. For example, ASHP may require you to change your radiators and are only tested in well-insulated homes. So renovation projects should consider home insulation such as cavities, walls and roofs before introducing a heat pump.
What is the solution for noisy Air Source Heat Pumps?
Heat pumps are designed to be very quiet with a noise level of “40-60dB at 1m away” often quoted.
But that is not always going to be the case on the evidence of the enquiries we receive regularly.
In one example that was brought to our attention for a potential solution, an ASHP was installed on the side wall of a detached house, under a carport, which became so noisy that it became a nuisance to the neighbour. The noise inside the neighbouring property was likened to the sound of a car engine idling outside the window!
In this situation, the installer acted quickly and decisively and concluded that their positioning of the ASHP was, in fact, wrong, so they moved it to the rear of the property and the problem was rectified.
In another enquiry, a housebuilder approached Hush to help with a noise stipulation laid down by a local authority planner. The density of the new build development meant that properties were in close proximity, so it was important to ensure any noise from the heat pumps would be minimised.
Planners asked the developer to reduce noise by between 2-3dB for each heat pump which was achieved by acoustic fencing using Hush 10 kg/m2 Barrier Mat. This was used within a bespoke fence panel to create an external barrier/enclosure to reduce noise transmitted to the neighbouring properties.
What are acoustic barriers?
Generally speaking, with ASHPs and GSHPs the major acoustic considerations are going to centre on their location and the potential for sound transmission to affect neighbouring properties.
Dense materials that provide acoustic barriers are key to the solution which means thinking about where acoustic materials could be incorporated into walls and fencing. But natural foliage, such as hedgerows and dense shrubs, can also play a major role in reducing sound transmission between the heat pump source and neighbouring properties.
The idea of creating barriers is usually going to be preferable to buying an acoustically insulated enclosure for the heat pump for two important reasons. Firstly, acoustic enclosures can be expensive, with quotes of several thousand pounds fairly typical. Secondly, heat pump enclosures are not particularly visually appealing – they often look rather utilitarian which will not be to the taste of most homeowners.
Are Heat Pumps noisy inside the home?
Providing that the heat pump has been installed correctly, there should not be any issues with excessive noise being heard inside the property. However, given the potential for sound to transmit in so many sound paths, there is no guarantee that an ASHP or GSHP will be completely silent inside the property it serves.
If you are experiencing noise from your heat pump, however, help may be available through Hush Acoustics’ range of fully tested acoustic systems for treating internal walls and floors. Please contact us to discuss the options for your situation.
What about log burners?
Where log burners are concerned, one issue which is often raised as a possible source of nuisance for neighbouring properties is smoke. But they can also be quite noisy given the burning process, cleaning and reloading them.
The sounds which result from log burner use can be a particular nuisance in connected properties, i.e. terraced and semi-detached houses, where the original fireplace will often have been placed on the party wall. Adding acoustic treatments in applications like this does, however, require very careful consideration because acoustic insulation materials are largely not resistant to the effects of flames and heat.
Finding an acoustic solution to make green technologies a success
As every renewable energy application and installation is different, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to acoustic insulation. With the range of products and systems available from Hush Acoustics, however, specifiers, developers and home improvers have tremendous scope to tailor a solution to the property that will allow a heat pump, log burner or another device to create the clean energy we seek without testing neighbourly relationships.