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To install the Hush Seal 20 correctly the Hush acoustic flooring should be laid within each room in accordance with the Hush installation guides leaving a 10-15mm perimeter gap to any adjoining wall (internal,separating or external). The Hush Seal 20 is then friction fitted into the perimeter gap, creating an air tight seal from the flooring system to the wall. Please ensure that the skirting board does not touch the top of the flooring system after the Hush Seal has been installed.
The Hush RD Flanking Strip or the Hush 45L Flanking Strip should be placed against any adjoining wall before the floor system is laid. The floor system is then butted up tight to the flanking strip of choice. The Hush RD Flanking Strip is then bent over the flooring system so that the skirting board can be isolated. The Hush 45L Flanking will automatically sit over the top of the floor system so that skirting board can be isolated. Any access flanking strip should be trimmed accordingly.
Cut Hush Panel flooring to the size of the stair tread. Place Hush Panel over stair tread and work out how many fixings are needed to adequately secure the Hush Panel. Countersink the holes for the fixings to take the Hush Grommet Fixing Isolators. Place the Hush Grommet Fixing Isolators in the countersunk holes and then screw the panel down tightly to the stair tread. A 10mm perimeter gap from the riser and the strings to be left when installing the Hush Panel flooring. This 10mm gap is then filled using the Hush Seal 20 Perimeter Strip. For additional treatment for under the stair treads please contact Hush on 01519332026.
Cut the Hush flooring system to size as needed. Add extra nogging/ dwang/batten supports if needed. Secure the edges of the cut flooring system and the new access hatch to the structure using a screw fixing that is isolated using the Hush Grommet Fixing Isolators.
Fire resistance created from above when access to a ceiling is restricted – Hush-Mesh Firewire is stapled down the sides of the joists and laid across the back of the ceiling in the form of trays onto which is installed Hush-Slab 100 Sound Absorber. Provides a one hour fire resistance at ceiling level. This is an accepted method of fire protection where the ceiling surface cannot be disturbed and which allows all work to be carried out from above. TRADA report FR 907 confirms this method.
Hush-Grommet Fixing Isolators can be used sparingly to secure the Hush-Panel in the absence of a T & G joint, for example across door thresholds etc.
The use of Hush-Grommets also allows for the levelling of floating floors in difficult situations without affecting the impact protection.
All metal structural beams must be isolated within acoustic specifications. To do this an independent box should be created around the metal beam using a timber frame. The boxing must not contact the metal beam at any point. The more clearance from the beam to the timber frame the better. Hush Slab 100 Sound Absorber should be packed around the beam within the timber frame to reduce sound transmission through the beam. The boxing should be double boarded using two layers of 15mm Fireline Plasterboard. This will achieve an hour’s fire rating.
It is important that the integrity of the acoustic ceiling lining is maintained around the fittings if down lights are to be used within an acoustic ceiling system. For example, if 15mm Sound bloc is to be used as the ceiling lining then this make up of plasterboard must be used to form boxes to sit over the light fittings. The box should be positioned over the fitting and then sealed at the junction where it meets the back of the ceiling lining using the Hush Acoustic Sealant. Hush Slab 100 Sound Absorber must be packed around the down lighter boxing.
Running water noise and ducting can transmit large amounts of noise if not treated correctly. To treat these areas, create an independent boxing around the ducting/pipework. Ensure the boxing does not touch the ducting/pipework. Pack Hush Slab 100 Sound Absorber around the pipework/ducting and within the boxing. Install a double layer of 15mm Fireline plasterboard to the boxing to achieve the hour’s fire rating needed.
Hush Acoustic Sealant is a proven gap filler that increases acoustic performance when used to seal any air leakage path. Hush Acoustic Sealant is simply used to seal any gap within a construction that would allow sound to travel. It is most commonly used to seal around skirting boards, plasterboard joints, services, structural flooring and joist infills.
Hush Heavy Duty Isolation Tape has been designed to isolate timber and metal stud construction within any development. By isolating the metal and timber stud walls from the structure you eliminate sound transmission from the two inter-connecting constructions. Hush Heavy Duty Isolation Tape is self-adhesive one side and is simply stuck to the header and footer channels of the stud wall construction which isolates the connection from the stud wall to the floor and ceiling structure and in turn improves acoustic performance.