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Leisure facilities can generate high levels of noise. There are many different leisure facilities that can be located in the centre of highly populated areas, whether this is other businesses or residential premises. It is imperative that the Hush acoustics products and systems are used to isolate these problematic areas.

In the UK, there are a number of regulations which require businesses to undertake noise management to prevent negative consequences on neighbouring people’s health or quality of life.

Apart from the legal requirements, it makes good business sense for leisure and entertainment companies to be good neighbours. That way, should you find yourself applying for a licence to extend your opening hours, you’re more likely to get a sympathetic hearing from the local planning committee.

The types of leisure and entertainment companies which already soundproof their business premises include the hospitality industry. Pubs, nightclubs, hotels, restaurants and takeaways can all generate a lot of sound; quite often this can be late at night when residents can be especially intolerant of noise.

Entertainment venues such as cinemas, arcades, theatres and fitness clubs often use soundproofing solutions to reduce the overall acoustic impact on their surroundings and also on their clients and visitors.

There is a huge selection of acoustic solutions available to suit a variety of different business needs. For example, fitness studios may benefit from a floating floor that reduces noise and vibration which is useful in gyms which have machinery with moving parts. Large gymnasiums may prefer ceiling panels which absorb reverberant noise, making the leisure space safer and more pleasant for users. In areas, such as art galleries, where aesthetics are important, a decorative solution such as fabric wall coverings might be more appropriate.

Find out more today. Don’t wait until you get a complaint before you think about soundproofing. Once you’ve had a complaint, it’s very hard to rebuild goodwill.

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