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Hush-Felt 10 Underlay

Suitable for:

  • domestic
  • residential
  • industrial
  • education
  • healthcare
  • leisure

Hush Felt Underlay is a high performing felt soundproof underlay that has been designed to isolate the final floor finish and improve impact acoustic performance. The Hush Felt Underlay is primarily used under carpet, laminate and engineered timber floor finishes.

By selecting to use the Hush Felt over thicker or less dense materials the initial excessive ‘bounce’ will be eliminated. If the wrong soundproof underlay is used then the acoustic efficiency will be lost when the underlay settles. Hush Felt Underlay is crucial for isolating these floor finishes.

Floating floors must survive daily pounding and flexing movement. This demands a resilient material designed taking into account compression, durability and longevity. The felted polypropylene fibres of Hush Felt provide long term resilience and are unaffected by migration of plasticisers common to the polyethylene foams.

For advice on the use of Hush-Felt 10 Underlay, as part of a system within any project, please contact our experienced technical team on 0151 933 2026 who will be happy to give comprehensive and practical advice to meet with your requirements.

Test Data

Test data for field tests in compliance with Building Regulations Document E can be supplied upon request.

Product Data

Application Primarily use as an acoustic underlay for laminate, engineered flooring and carpet.
Comprises Supplied in wrapped rolls 11m x 1.37m x 10mm
Density 90 kgs/m3
  • Environmentally friendly
  • It may be trimmed with scissors and is pleasant to handle, requiring no precautions against skin or respiratory irritation.
  • Easy to install
  • Excellent impact noise reduction

Full fitting instructions are supplied with all products and are available to download from the Installation Guides section.

Should you have any technical questions prior to or during installation, please call 0151 933 2026 for friendly and straightforward advice.

Request a FREE CPD presentation.

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